Monday, July 7, 2008

Starbucks VB Closing

Well RATS! I just learned last night that Van Buren's only Starbucks is closing at the end of July due to low sales volume. What a loss!

I was told by a barrista (to be unnamed) last night that the only local Starbucks will close at the end of this month due to poor sales volume. This is regrettable and could have been avoided by simply advertising more (expecially on the immediatly nearby I-40 corridor!!) and original store placement. The current location requires dealing with a traffic light and the busiest street in town in order to get a coffee - big mistake for hurried commuters, Starbucks.

I was told this store lost $200,000 last year - a drop in the bucket to mega-bucks Starbucks, but small towns count last, I guess.

So, we'll just stay home more, I guess. Thanks Starbucks!

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